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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Book Review: Everything is Illuminated

The only reason I read this book is because it was in a double book with Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.  The book is about a man who travels to The Ukraine to find the women who protected his Jewish Grandfather from the Nazi's.  He travels with two men from a travel agency to translate for him. 

It was pretty comical to watch the two cultures interact.  The American (who shares the same name as the author) Jonathan is on a quest to be "Illuminated"  But it's surprising who actually reaches it. 

It's an interesting book. It shows how differently people view the world, or certain situations.  Some people are nitty gritty, and see it how it is.  And there are others who choose to overlook the bad things, and believe that people are being rude when they pull all the skeletons out of the closet.  At least one person learns a lot about the world and how to balance the two.

There are also some very funny parts in this book.  Funny enough, that I burst out laughing, and then tried to read it to Houston.  I don't know if he even got what I said, because I was laughing so hard while I read it.

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