Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 27, 2012

Family Reunion

It was the annual Hatch Reunion this last weekend.  Troy and Scheli's family were in charge this year.  Since 3 of us girls are postal (tee hee)  we had to start Saturday night.  All three girls worked on Saturday morning.  
It all worked out well.

The theme for this reunion was CANDY!  I'm going to guess that Phynix had a lot to do with the choice of theme.  We played the bubble gun game... (I will never eat bubble gum again!)  Scheli found over 200 questions about candy!  Fun facts as well as facts about all of our likes in regards to food.  We were put into teams of 2 and if we got a question wrong both members had to put a piece in your mouth.  200 questions.... there was a lot of chewed bubble gum!

Houston did this a few times.  Not a good idea to have stubble when you do it. LOL!

This is the feeling we all had... 
It was fun to hear all the questions and watch as everyone started to resemble chipmunks.

We had a raffle, of course.  I was not on top of things and ended up getting my stuff the day of.  Oops. :)  I will say though, that there were no dude gifts.  Lots of good stuff and everyone got stuff.  We also, take pictures every year.  I've needed a tripod for my camera for a longtime.  Perfect time to get one!

Here are some of the shots.

This is all of Angie's clan that could make it...

This is the Julie we love to see!

The best part of having a continuous shot camera

Troy's little family

This is so adorable!
  Phynix giving her, soon to be, baby brother Gryphin a kiss

Julie was in charge of the camera and said I had to post this...

Julie, me, Troy, and Angie
I love funny shots like this

We really had a good time getting together.  I really do love my family so much.  We are all so different from each other.  I think that keeps us all grounded and very forgiving.

Any day now, we will have another member.  Baby Gryphin should be here soon.  Troy is already a proud daddy and Phynix will be a great big sister. I can already see her pronouncing words for him so he says them right.  Lol!

Next up, the family Christmas party.  Man, I LOVE Parties!

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