Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The "Not" Valentine's Day flowers.....

So, I mentioned in my Valentine's Day post that Houston didn't want to get me flowers on that day because it's expected.  It was going to be a surprise.  Well, It's been about a week since "the surprise" and I'm just getting around to posting about it. But first...  A little background and my thoughts on why I received them when I did.

Last Thursday the lady that I sub for at the Post Office went on a week and a half vacation to Las Vegas for Nascar.  I went into it a little scared but I thought it would be easy considering I started on Thursday, and the mail is usually light towards the end of the week.  Well... it wasn't. One of the clerks actually joked that he knew I was coming in because the mail was heavy.  (It has happened before)  Well, I was a little frustrated and burst into tears a few times.  Houston called and I wasn't exactly under control yet, so he got to listen to me cry on the phone.  Then a little bit later he text me and asked if he could go to the Jazz game with his work.  He felt really bad but they were really awesome seats and he really wanted to go.  I didn't want him to miss out on account of me, so I just sucked it up. Lol! When I finally got off work I drove to my parent's house, since Houston wasn't home.   I needed to vent.  While I was there Houston asked me if I was home.  I found out why he was wondering soon enough....
These were waiting for me. 

Houston is so good about getting me things that are unusual.  Which I prefer.  He is so great!  They are lovely!  He is so thoughtful.  I'm so glad that he gave them to me then and not on Valentine's Day.  They meant so much more.  He gets so worried about me when I get worked up.  I don't know where I would be without his support.  He isn't the only one.  My whole family have become my cheerleaders.  I always have a kind word when I get stressed.  My sister's work for the post office too, so they know exactly what I'm going through and remind me that it's just my job, not my life.  (it's hard to leave it there) Then there are my friends.  They get that it's not easy and they give me kind words too.

Thanks everybody who has been there for me!


Now an update,  I've only got 3 days left of the week and a half and it's getting better each day.  The mail is not always light, but I have learned that I can only do the best I can do.  So I do my best and get done and when I get done.  I'm getting faster and it's not a huge crisis when the mail is a bit messed up. 

I had a post that was a vent fest about the stupid things that happen on the job.  I decided to delete it because I don't want to be negative about the job.  I can't complain too much.  I get paid almost as much as I did at Macey's.  Deference is,  at Macey's I worked 32 hours a week and at the post office I only work 1 day a week.  I got paid $10.50 an hour at Macey's and now it's $19.45 an hour.  Granted the job is about 20 times more hard, but still.  I don't mind my situation at all.

1 comment:

  1. One day a week for the same pay as 32 hours sounds sensational to me! What a blessing to have such an awesome job, good for you. :)

    I wondered where that other post went, I saw an update but I wasn't allowed to read it. Now I know why. Good for you for focusing on the positive, I've been trying really hard to do the same lately, and not only has my attitude towards life in general improved greatly, but I believe my circumstances have as well. I just feel better all around, but that could have something to do with spring being just around the corner. ;) I can't wait for the cold to be gone. Haha!
