Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm on a mission to get all of my unfinished projects done.  This is fabric my mom bought for me for my birthday.  I got to choose it (I don't think anyone would choose this fabric for someone else) Ha ha!  I think everyone has pretty well guessed that I like some weird fabric combos. 

This one was done 100% by me!  It's a first!  Sewed it, tied it, and bound it.  It's super soft too! 


  1. You go girl! I would never pick that color combo, but it does look pretty good together. I like the yellow! Come to my house next.....please. I could keep you busy for years.

  2. LOL! I'm still learning. I actually ran out of thread in the bobbin when I only had about 6 inches left to sew. So I got to learn how to thread the bobbin too. I have one more blanket to finish and then it's on to making fabric carrots for Easter and a garbage bag holder (like the one grandpa Pehrson had) Those will be new adventures for sure!

  3. Easter carrots?? What a fun idea! That reminds me, I should probably think about getting out what little Easter decor I have... :)

  4. I really like the colors, I wouldn't have put them together but they look great! YOu have an eye for fabric and are awesome at projects!!
