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Monday, May 2, 2011

A Lesser of Two Evils. Congrats to the world!

 As many of you are well aware, Osama  Bin Laden is dead.  I watched all the posts fly up on facebook after it was announced and was amazed at all the different responses.  My thoughts on it....

First off, I'm happy he is gone.  I think that it was the lesser of two evils.  I don't like the thought of killing people but, he has caused such heartache and destruction that it was better to kill him then let him continue his crusade of spreading hate.

I saw a few comments that people said they were disturbed by the celebration of his death, even disgusted by it.  As for me, I thinks it's completely normal to be excited and show it in some form, but on the other hand, I do get a bit embarrassed when they show people celebrating like it's New Years.  The world thinks of us as being a cocky country, I have always hated that.  So, in my mind, we should take this victory with a bit of grace and humility.  There were a lot of countries who wanted to see him brought to justice, and helped in whatever form, to get to this point.  So for me, it's more of a, "Congrats to the world!"  I hope we can all celebrate together.

I'm sure there are some people that are mad that he wasn't captured and tried in front of the world.  He will get judged regardless. Trust me, I'm not sad that I don't have his meeting with God.  I can't even imagine what that would be like.

On a good note!  Gas prices are rumored to be going down in the wake of this news!  I'm excited about that! Houston said, last night, he was going to try to get to work and back home before getting any gas today.  Good thing he went through with that plan. :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree I do feel kinda bad that his family wont be able to bury him (even though I have also heard that his family has disowned him and his children have died because of his life style) but I do understand why they dont want bury him. Some things people say have been awful.
