Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 10, 2011

2 Years!

Houston and I have been married 2 years as of yesterday.  Here is a brief outline of what we did for it....

First off, it was off to The Cheesecake Factory.  We spent a lot on food, but it was really good.  I swear this is one of the only places that people are more likely to get dessert than not.  Really, how can you leave without some yummy cheesecake..?

Then it was over to "The Sam's" house to watch Game 4 of the NBA Finals.  Go Mavs!

So, I saw this idea on Jana's blog.  Then I saw the movie Tangled.  So to celebrate the event we launched 2 Wishlanterns.  It was slightly more windy than it should have been but they both made into the air safely and we got to watch them clear until they went out.... REALLY far away.

That was pretty much it.  We had fun though.  Now it's on to year 3. ;)

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