Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Timpanogos Cave

I got a text last night from Erin, wondering if I wanted to go to Timpanogos Cave today.  My back has been hurting for the past few days so I originally wasn't going to go.  But.... I changed my mind.  (Good plan) 

If you have never been there, it's pretty awesome.  The hike is not too hard.  It's all paved and everything, but it becomes a bit steep towards the end. 

Brynn and Erin on the way up!
 Erin and I, almost there.  Can you see all those switchbacks behind us!?

 We thought this sign was so funny.  Brynn being a good sport. ;)

Erin said she wanted to get some candid photos.  I tried to, and she made this face!

We waited at the top for a few minutes.  The rangers wanted to wait for some more people to make the group a bit bigger.  Well, the group behind us had like 15 people so... We got our own private tour. ;) *score!*

Our tour guide's name was Logan.  He was a little weirded out by only having 3 people to explain the cave to.  He tried to stick to the script, but we just kept bringing up random stuff. LOL!  Here are the photos from inside!

 All three of us before going in!

  Logan explaining about different cave formations

Stalactites that have been growing for a REALLY long time.  He showed us some small ones that they have been measuring.  They are about the size of a pencil eraser and have been growing for about 80 years!  These are obviously a lot older.
 We spent pretty much the whole time talking about the movie The Descent.  Lol!  Brynn looks a little freaked out in this picture. (She really isn't)  I'm just imagining a creature hiding in the dark behind her. 
 Erin was apparently paying attention to me taking a photo. LOL!  This was a pretty huge section.  So many things to see.
Everything almost looks fake!  There is a lot of water in there right now because of all the run off.  The shiny effect didn't help anything to look anymore real.  The only thing I could think of was the fake rocks at Disneyland on Thunder Mountain Railroad and Indiana Jones.  Disney did an awesome job making them look like the real thing.
Those things have 2 names.  Draperies or "Cave Bacon"  Lol!  I like the first name better.  There were a lot of names that had to do with food in there.  Made us hungry. 
 The farther you get in there the more white the formations become, because the water is a lot cleaner once it reaches there. This is the ceiling above us... RIGHT above us. 
 This formation is called " The Great Heart of Timpanogos"  There's legend behind it but you will have to go and hear it for yourself sometime. ;)

Saved my favorite photo for last!  The curly formations are called Helictites.  They were my favorite.
(This link is pretty cool to learn about Helictites.  Look for the part about "Timpanogos Cave National Monument") 
I do have to say that when we got into the second part of the cave we went through a part that was literally a tunnel.  No room on either side of the walk way.  I got a bit nervous.  I had to just look at the ground until we got the next area.  Then he starts showing all the fault lines that run through the next area.... 
Slight claustrophobia+the thought of an earthquake while being in a cave= Michelle in slight panic.   
I really didn't freak out for more than that one part.  It's really quite cool and I would go back for sure.  And for all of you who would like to see the trailer for the movie we were talking about... here you go...

Yeah, pretty stupid time to be talking about this movie. :)  
No scary people present in Timp Cave.  Definitely Michelle approved. ;)



  1. YAY I'm so glad your back felt better and we all went. I love my friends! (and sorry for talking about earthquakes, claustrophobia, and collapsing caves. I have a habit for thinking of the worst)

  2. Lol! No need to apologize for that. I didn't take the time to say that, that sort of talk might freak me out. So, I pretty much set myself up for it. :)
