Our Journey...

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mango Bread..? Read on....

Houston and I decided to take a stab at Bountiful Basket.  In a nut shell, you pay $15 and you go to a certain location and receive a preselected basket of fruits and vegetables.

In our basket we received A LOT of stuff.  One of those being mango's.  They were rock hard when we first got them, which was a good thing because we had a ton of other things to eat first.  Well, they sat on the counter and I kept wondering what to do with them.  I like mango's but I didn't want to eat all of them at once and in the end, hate them. Ha ha!  Houston and I started talking about ways to use all the things we received.  We were originally talking about banana's and I was saying that we could use any over ripe ones to make banana bread.  Then of course I saw our mango's...  I said,  "I wonder if there is something like.... mango bread!"

I have an app on my phone called Big Oven.  So I typed Mango Bread in the search bar and let it search.  I turned to do something else and Houston started to laugh.  Apparently there is!  So here's the recipe and a photo journey of making it....

Mango Bread
-2 Cups Flour
-2 tsps Baking Soda
-1 tsp Salt
-1 Cup Sugar
-1 tsp Cinnamon
-1/2 Cup Raisins (which are not shown below.  We didn't make it with them)
-3/4 Cup Vegetable oil
-3 Eggs
-2 mangos
-1 tsp Vanilla

- Puree mango.  Mix all ingredients well.  Pour into greased pan.  Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.  Let cool for 20 minutes.  (Pureeing the mango was just something I did.  I don't like chunks, but the original recipe didn't specify)

Ingredients mixed!  The mango looks sorta like apple sauce here. (p.s. don't used a whisk, use a spoon)

 Now the pan problem... We don't have a bread pan, so this is what it was made it. :)

Now.... we wait....
And wait...

 And wait...



And may a just say that this thing smelled REALLY good baking... THE WHOLE TIME. ;)

I waited for Houston to get home to try it.  It's pretty dang good!  It's not a really strong mango flavor.  It is pretty much Banana Bread with mango's instead of bananas.   A good way to use fruit that would otherwise have gone bad.  

The final (made for a cook book photo) ;P

Lastly.  I was just being dumb with the waiting photo's.  I hope you don't think I sat in front of my oven for an hour.


  1. That is so dang crafty and resourceful! Who would of thought that you could make mango bread? lol
    P.S. I love the cookbook picture. Awesome.

  2. First, I must say that I love this idea... second, The waiting photos were the BEST!! I got such a good laugh! I might try this recipe some time.

  3. I love that bountiful baskets! You do get a ton! What a great idea, I am always wondering what I am going to do with everything, but most of the time it all gets eaten. I will have to try that some time!
