Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Here's our Christmas... We knew everything we were getting because we did big gifts and only a few small ones.

What I wanted for Christmas were these....

Christ Walking on Water, by Julius Von Klever
Interesting fact, this is the only religious painting he ever did...

The Light Within, By Robert Boyd
The Oquirrh Mountain Temple

I wanted it personalized

Houston's gift...

Glock .40 caliber

The gifts that I made for us...

My blanket...

Houston's Blanket

And one other random gift that I think is so cool!

This small radio!  It has a plug to hook up your ipod even though it looked like it dropped out of the 70's.  
I love it!

There were a few other random things, but I felt I covered the most important.

Oh wait!  Also, we get an ornament every year.  Houston was in charge this year, and this is what he got.  He loves this little comic called Order of the Stick.  They do an ornament every year, so that's what he picked.  I think it's great. Lol!

P.S.  Anyone think it's kinda funny my gifts to Houston's gift...  Paintings... Gun.  I find it funny.  maybe it's just me.

Our Big Day

It's done!  We'll officially going to be together for eternity!  It was a long time coming...

I can tell you that there were a lot of promptings to get our butts in gear.  It took our friends (In the previous post)  wanting us to be at their wedding to really get the ball rolling.  We could have done it much earlier, but we chose to wait so Justin and Brynn could be to our sealing too. So we waited.  Here is the really funny.  We decided to do it on the first and then I made an interesting discovery...  Our sealing is 4 days after my birthday, and our wedding day is 4 days after Houston's. Not relevant to our eternal welfare, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

Now for the temple choice. As you all know, Utah has a large selection of temples to choose from.  I first wanted Salt Lake, but heard it would be closed.  So I had think of another.  For some reason Oquirrh Mountain kept coming to my mind.  So I asked Houston his thoughts.  He is wasn't particular.  So I went with it.  Then I found out something else interesting. Oquirrh Mountain was dedicated in 2009, the same year we were married... Interesting...

Anyway, we are so happy that we have finally made it to our eternal goal.  here's some photos from the day, taken by Houston's brother's wife Kasey....

Houston's proud Mom!

Houston's family

Our friends who were with us in the sealing room

My family

Now just some other fun photos of us and the Temple...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

One Snowy Day...

Two of our dearest friends in the world were sealed forever to the love of their lives...

~Each other~

I can't tell you how happy I feel every time I think about them together.  They are so perfect together.  I want  them to know how much they mean to us.  Some notable moments of the day (From my point of view)

~She wanted it so badly to snow, and it did!  It was beautiful!

~ The sealing room was PACKED!  So much so, that I sat on Houston's lap, so there was at least one extra seat for someone else.

~ At the end of the sealing they were able to be congratulated by everyone in attendance.  It was a precious moment to see him with tears in his eyes, as he stood next to his beautiful new wife.

~ She has the most perfect smile. I don't just mean on this day.  It's everyday! But, I have never seen her smile so much, even as she stood out in the snow with short sleeves and lace.

~ There luncheon was nearby at the Stake Center.  You would never think of pizza being served at a wedding luncheon, but that's what they did, and it was GREAT!  I love pizza! Easy, no stress for anyone, well... other than the place who delivered it.

~ A few notes about the reception...  First, the flowers... Gorgeous! Second, the refreshments were doughnut holes and a hot chocolate bar.  (How is that not awesome!?)

~ The grooms parents live in Houston and I's ward, so we were able to mingle with a lot of our fellow ward members, and that's always fun.

~Being friends with both the bride and the groom is something that I find pretty special. I feel like I'm apart of some special club.

~ One hilarious moment of the night...  When she threw the bouquet, it hit a cross beam on the ceiling and fell straight down.  It was slightly mangled for the second toss, but made it to the hands of her younger sister nonetheless.  ( I find this so funny because when Houston and I were married, I threw the bouquet so hard that is landed in a fountain and my friend Erin had to get back there in 5 inch stilettos to fish it out.)

~They had a slide show playing of pictures of the two of them through the years. There were a lot of pictures in there that I was lucky enough to be there for!

~ As a send off, we all received the biggest sparklers I've ever seen, to send them onto their new life as a married couple. Pretty cool way to end one of the best days of your life.

~The best and most important and special part of the day... They will be together FOREVER!  And we were invited to be there!

I don't think I can say enough times how happy I am for them.  I'm so glad that I have such great friends, and to see them happy TOGETHER makes me tear up every time I think about it.

If I can say something to them, it would be... If your going to change at all, may it be for the better. For yourself and each other.  Also, thank you for letting be apart of your special day and you life.

P.S.  They are going to have the most adorable kids!  ;)  But that comes later... ha ha!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Endowment Day!

I'm really slow...  I was going to post this along with our Sealing pictures but I still haven't got them yet, so I thought I better just separate them.

The actual day this happened was November 21, 2012.

I wont lie, I was really nervous.  We were lucky enough to have my aunt and uncle AND my cousin.  They wouldn't be able to be to the Sealing, so they came to our Endowments instead.  As for my nervous, it really went away once we were in.  Everyone is so helpful and nice.

We choose the Mt. Timpanogos Temple to take out our Endowments.  Very helpful that it's right down the street.  It's a beautiful temple!

I obviously can't tell everything about this experience, but I will say that it's not "of the world"  I have some more pictures, so enjoy!

Uncle Doug, Aunt Luie, Dad, Mom, Houston, Me, Justin, Jodi, and Darcy

Us and our escorts


We haven't had a chance to get back to do others' Endowments yet, but we will. :)

Once we get the pictures from our Sealing, I'll post about it. :)

Up next, is Brynn and Justin's wedding!  Lucky us, we will get to see the sealing room of the Temple behind us here. (our Sealing was at a different Temple.) Stay tuned to see it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jazz Game!

Houston's mom was super awesome and got us tickets, from her work, to go to the Jazz game last night. They were really awesome seats and we had a blast!  Here are some lovely pictures from our evening...

Everyone knows who this is... Right...?

One of the scariest pictures of me ever!

I was so excited to see we got these!  You know those white things you slap together when someone is shooting a foul shot..?  These are it! I wanted the Jazz to foul the other team, just so I could have a legit reason to use these. 

I wanted a shirt, but I really don't know the team as well as I used to, so.... I went for a Stockton tee.  I know him!! I know him!!!

The game was so awesome!  Afterwards we went to The Pi and got pizza.

Do I count this as a FHE..?  Why yes!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

What a Special Day!

Today Houston received the Melchizedek Priesthood!  He was ordained by his brother Quin. He was accompanied by My dad, Houston's dad, our bishop, and the high councilman.

We are one step closer!  Here's some other pictures...

Such a good day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Car!

It's kind of sad that I don't even have a picture of my little red Tercel...  I honestly think I never thought it was worthy of a picture. LOL!  Well.... We've finally reached a point where that little red bomb just wasn't cutting it.

We needed to get a vehicle that was reliable, and that we could have for a LONG time.  Lol!  So, it needed to be big enough to hold a future family.  My red car was WAY too small for more that 2 people.

So... I would like you to meet the newest member to the Warnick family!!!!

2011 Hyundai Sonata (No name yet)

I wanted the picture half in the shade so you can see how much the color changes from day to night. It really does, almost look black and night and bright blue in the day.

It is really quite weird to drive in a new car.  This is the first time I've ever bought from a dealer.  There are many pluses to it. I get to park in the garage now!  It gets great gas mileage too.   I'm still learning to park it.  LOL! It's so much bigger than the red car.

Monday, September 17, 2012

First Upholstery Experience...

My mother-in-law has asked me to reupholster her kitchen chairs several times.  She wanted me to go just pick some fabric for her.  Um... No!  I don't do that for anyone.  I have a very odd style and I never want to make people live with what I choose.

Like I said, she has asked me SEVERAL times and each time I tell her to pick out her fabric and I would do it.  *Note: I have never reupholstered anything* I was slightly afraid that it would be harder than it looks.

She finally got sick of the old fabric.  It's quite stained and doesn't match anything else she has in the kitchen our the neighboring room.  So, on Saturday when I got home from work, she asked if I would go with her to Joann's to pick out some fabric.

She was pretty shocked when we got there because she had no idea how many  patterns and textures they have, just in the upholstery fabric alone.  After seeing it she forgave me for not just picking one for her.  :P

She wasn't really sure what to get so she asked what I would get.  This is my philosophy on picking fabric...

1.  Never ignore your first response to a fabric!
2.  Texture!  I love fabric that makes me want to rub it!
3.  Realize that the "rule book" on home design and pretty much been thrown out the window.  Pick what you like!  Try to find one that fits in with the color choices in the room, but if the pattern is modern and the room it will be in is traditional.  WHO CARES!!!  It's will just make it that much more fun to look at!

Needless to say, she found a fabric that she really liked, fits in with the room colors, and has AWESOME texture!  SCORE!

Now, the hard work...

I learned really quick that there are a lot of staples used on upholstered seats!  A LOT!!!  That was the first job....

To accomplish the task, this is what I needed...
Getting the staples out was the hardest part!  First, I used  a steak knife to pop them up a little, then a screw driver the get one side out, then the needle nose pliers to pull it out...

The rest was cake.  Eyeball the fabric around the guts of the cushion, cut it and staple it on.  Since these chairs were bought the previous fabric on them, it came with this black mesh that went over the back to make it looked finished underneath.  So once I got the new fabric stapled on I reattached that black stuff so it looked all nice.

I will give fair warning to anyone thinking of tackling this project.  Whichever hand is dominant, that one will get pretty beat up.  Just to show you (Which pictures don't do it justice to how much it hurts)  I took a picture of my right (Dominant) and left hand so you could see the difference..

See the skin how it's just kinda bunched up..?  That's normal...

This is the messed up one.  It's all swollen and hurts something fierce!


Lets get to why all this time and pain and such was worth it....

The Finished Product!

She is probably going to change the color of the chair, but for now, I don't think it looks too bad.  It fits in so much better, and is not all gross and stained. (Plus all new stains will be hidden really well) ;)

Well, that's my first upholstery experience.  I can say that I will not have a hard time doing it again to maybe a chair I get or what have you!

Yay, for having some free time from work to do such cool things!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Gryphin

Our family is so happy to welcome Troy and Scheli's newest member!!

Gryphin Troy Hatch
Born September 13, 2012
12:59 pm
9lbs 5 oz
19 1/2" long

When Scheli found out she was pregnant again, it was a very happy moment.  We joked with Troy that he was going to get himself another girl, and they would have to try again for a boy.  Lucky him, he got his boy. You couldn't slap the smile off his face, he was so excited.  Phynix was very happy to have a sibling to teach new things, and help take care of.

Not too far into the pregnancy it was apparent that he was going to be a pretty big boy.  Scheli was measuring way above what she was supposed to.  Towards the end, she was getting bruises to prove how big and strong he was.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from Troy saying that they were at the hospital and that she was far enough along to have her epidural, so it wasn't going to be too long.  Sure enough not 3 hours later he was here.

Angie came down for a wedding in St. George, so it was perfect timing for her to be there to see him.  Phynix spent the morning with Angie, Brian, and Jace at the zoo, and when they got back we all went over to the hospital.

Phynix knew she was getting a baby brother, but I don't think she realized she was going to see an actual baby, not just her mom's tummy, when she got to the hospital.  She was kind of nonchalant when Troy talked to her on the phone and told her.  When we got to hospital and she was able to see that there was an actual baby there she was in total aw...

She couldn't stop touching him.  Almost as if she needed to make sure he was really real.  It was so adorable.

I got photo's of everyone holding him.

Proud Daddy!

Aunt Angie

Slightly baby phobic Me... 
(I'm getting better!)

 Proud Grandpa

 Adoring Grandma

We are so happy to have him here.  They are such a cute little family!

P.S. That little seahorse in the first picture was from me.  Phynix told everyone that it had to be by him to calm him down.  :P  She knows how these things work.