Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Here's our Christmas... We knew everything we were getting because we did big gifts and only a few small ones.

What I wanted for Christmas were these....

Christ Walking on Water, by Julius Von Klever
Interesting fact, this is the only religious painting he ever did...

The Light Within, By Robert Boyd
The Oquirrh Mountain Temple

I wanted it personalized

Houston's gift...

Glock .40 caliber

The gifts that I made for us...

My blanket...

Houston's Blanket

And one other random gift that I think is so cool!

This small radio!  It has a plug to hook up your ipod even though it looked like it dropped out of the 70's.  
I love it!

There were a few other random things, but I felt I covered the most important.

Oh wait!  Also, we get an ornament every year.  Houston was in charge this year, and this is what he got.  He loves this little comic called Order of the Stick.  They do an ornament every year, so that's what he picked.  I think it's great. Lol!

P.S.  Anyone think it's kinda funny my gifts to Houston's gift...  Paintings... Gun.  I find it funny.  maybe it's just me.

1 comment:

  1. I love every thing about your guys' Christmas! I have always loved those kinds of paintings of Christ, but they are so darn expensive. The one you got is so moving to me, I love it.

    Matt and I have been discussing our desire to own guns for awhile now, but again, they are expensive. I have always wanted a Glock, but Matt wants rifles. Even though I have used them before and we are both fairly comfortable with them, I would feel better about having them around with some extra classes and frequent hands on practice (how many times can I mention expensive?). ;) lol

    I love that you make blankets, too. You can never have too many, and yours are always so cute!
