Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Our Big Day

It's done!  We'll officially going to be together for eternity!  It was a long time coming...

I can tell you that there were a lot of promptings to get our butts in gear.  It took our friends (In the previous post)  wanting us to be at their wedding to really get the ball rolling.  We could have done it much earlier, but we chose to wait so Justin and Brynn could be to our sealing too. So we waited.  Here is the really funny.  We decided to do it on the first and then I made an interesting discovery...  Our sealing is 4 days after my birthday, and our wedding day is 4 days after Houston's. Not relevant to our eternal welfare, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

Now for the temple choice. As you all know, Utah has a large selection of temples to choose from.  I first wanted Salt Lake, but heard it would be closed.  So I had think of another.  For some reason Oquirrh Mountain kept coming to my mind.  So I asked Houston his thoughts.  He is wasn't particular.  So I went with it.  Then I found out something else interesting. Oquirrh Mountain was dedicated in 2009, the same year we were married... Interesting...

Anyway, we are so happy that we have finally made it to our eternal goal.  here's some photos from the day, taken by Houston's brother's wife Kasey....

Houston's proud Mom!

Houston's family

Our friends who were with us in the sealing room

My family

Now just some other fun photos of us and the Temple...


  1. Congratulations!! So sad we couldn't be there, but glad we could be to your endowment. You are my heroes. You know each other so well and show such love and respect for one another! Go back to the temple often and always be worthy to have a recommend. It's a total protection for you for many things. Love you!

  2. I'm so glad you guys ended up having the luncheon after all. So proud of you and so grateful for your good example. ♥
