Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jazz Game!

Houston's mom was super awesome and got us tickets, from her work, to go to the Jazz game last night. They were really awesome seats and we had a blast!  Here are some lovely pictures from our evening...

Everyone knows who this is... Right...?

One of the scariest pictures of me ever!

I was so excited to see we got these!  You know those white things you slap together when someone is shooting a foul shot..?  These are it! I wanted the Jazz to foul the other team, just so I could have a legit reason to use these. 

I wanted a shirt, but I really don't know the team as well as I used to, so.... I went for a Stockton tee.  I know him!! I know him!!!

The game was so awesome!  Afterwards we went to The Pi and got pizza.

Do I count this as a FHE..?  Why yes!

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous! Connor and I love to watch the Jazz. Your seats were awesome. I would count that as FHE too.
