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Friday, March 25, 2011

Meaningful Chaos... 10 Years in the Making

I have been back at the quilting frames and sewing machine.  I've finally finished the very first quilt I ever started, but a little background first to explain why the quilt is so random looking. 

My family has been lugging around this green trunk for years and I never knew what was in it.  About 10 years ago I finally looked inside.  It was completely full of random fabric.  I asked why we still had it.  My dad tells me that all the fabric inside belonged to my grandma Hatch.  We had no use for that much fabric so my parents were going to throw it away.  I freaked out!  I needed to figure out a way to keep it.  It belonged to my grandmother!  So it dawned on me to make a quilt out of all the different pieces, that way I could keep a bit of each one.  I cut out all the squares and sewed them all together  within a month or two of the fabric's discovery.  Then... it got put away in a drawer and not looked at again for years.  I remember it a few years ago and dug it out.  I found a piece for the back.  Then it went dormant again...  Well I dug it out again last year and was bound and determined it get it finished!  But, I didn't have batting for it... Hence, more dormant time.  Last week was the last straw.  I made a special trip to the fabric store to get the batting and get it done!  I got the batting cut out, and all the pieces up on the frames, and the tying finished on Wednesday!  All that was left was the binding.  I was going to wait until next week to get it all finished but I decided that I'd waited long enough! (Obviously) So I went back over to my parent's house today to bind and finish it. 

Here is the finished product...
Me binding the edge. Don't mind the totally scary hair...
In the process...
The finished product!
And me with it...

I am proud to announce that I did this one almost totally by myself.  The back piece had to be sewn from two pieces.  My Mom did that.  My Dad assisted me with getting it tact on the frames for tying. Other than that... I sewed the squares, tied it, and bound it.  I'm really horrible at binding so I was pretty proud of myself this time. :)

I will enjoy this blanket a lot.  What better for me than a blanket that seems to have no rhyme or reason.

This is my Meaningful Chaos!

Side note... Houston got home and....
Apparently he likes it too. :)


  1. I love the quilt Michelle! I have one like it, but I don't know who it belonged to, or who's fabric it is. My Mom gave it to me. They are so fun though. I had no idea you were so domestic! Great job!

  2. That looks really cool! What a great idea to do with that fabric. Now you have some of your grandma always with you. i bet your dad really likes it too.

  3. Thanks guys! All the different textures are fun to rub. LOL! It still smells like that old chest too. You know me and smells...

  4. Our Grandma Hatch...Pearl? That is sooooo cooool! I would love to see it! Maybe the next family reunion I could take a little peek? I want to see it and touch it..smell it... I know, weird... but you said it had that old smell and I miss Grandma so much! If you bring that, I will bring something of grandma's too and we can sniff each others stuff. Kind of an underground sniffing club. Who knew that quilts were a gateway drug? I am thinking of making a quilt like that made of all of my family's old t-shirts from the past. I thought it might be fun to see old soccer uniforms, and other fun things recycled into something useful.

  5. Yes Sonja it's Grandma Pearl's fabric. I was never able to meet her. :( I will try to keep it smelling like it does. I'm a sniffer too. :) I have never thought of making a blanket out of t-shirts. That's an awesome idea!

    P.S. I will make sure it gets to the reunion. I don't know if I can make it, but I will give it to my parent's to take. My job has got all my Saturdays pretty much taken over.
