Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

One of the best games ever!


This game is so much fun!  We got it after we got our Wii for Christmas.  I played like mad for a long time.  Then I got sick and it wasn't so easy to play anymore, so I haven't for awhile.  If you haven't played it... Here is the best song on "Just Dance 2"

P.S.  This song is really hard.  I should apologize now.  You will get this song stuck in your head. Lol!


  1. That game is so fun! We don't have a Wii but I ahve played it at a few friends houses. If you can do that I am so impressed, that does look like a hard one. I hope that you got through your hard week of work. Man that pay rate is awesome!

  2. Yes that song is hard, but so much fun! My work week was stressful but I'm glad for the pay check that came with it. :)
