Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Framing of Life has Officially Begun!

The one thing I want to have in a house, when we get one, is a photo wall.  I love the idea!  I want it to be chuck full of new photos, old photos, and even crazy ones.  To create such a thing I would obviously need frames.  I didn't want a bunch of generic frames, that were all the same.  I wanted a group of frames of all kinds.

The search for such frames has yielded nothing until today!  I was going to get my hair done and left WAY too early.  So to kill time, I stepped into Rodworks, which has a store right by the salon I go to.  As for the frame hunt, I scored!  Ah yeah!

Since I don't have a wall to put them on yet, I tried to get some that sort of matched in a quirky way.  Here's what I was able to find.  (granted I could have got more, but thought it wouldn't be smart to spend too much)

This was the first frame I picked up, and my favorite from the bunch
(The picture is of my Grandma and Grandpa Pehrson on their wedding day)

The really strange one, but I liked it. No photo in it yet. ;)

I like the frames that hold square photos. No photo yet.

Here is the 8X10 in the group.  Very ornate but they will not all be like that so a few are good

Since there were 4 frames I had to get something else to make it an odd number again, here's what I picked...  That's a rod iron jack!  Totally cool!

I have the frames that we used at our wedding that are very plain and black.  Those will definitely be apart of the grouping, but I hope I can find more frames to add to the collection.  I can't wait to get them into a permanent home.


  1. Cute! Why couldn't you take the ones from your wedding and paint, or cover in fabric or glue something on it...? just an idea

  2. that is so cool! (and do you have a weird obsession with having to buy things in odd numbers? can we be friends? oh, wait. we already are. :) )

  3. That's a good idea Madi! I might just have to consider my options. I need another project!

    Brynn, I don't always buy things in odd numbers. But if it's for a decorating purpose then for sure! Plus, that Jack was just too cool to pass up. I sorta want to go buy a few more of them, I like it so much. ;)

  4. That is such a good idea! Where did you get Grandma and Grandpa's picture, is it a copy or one that your mom had? The tulips are so pretty, up in Oregon they had a tulip festival and there was acres and acres of tulip, so pretty.

  5. Wonderful idea Michelle! I love the picture of Grandpa and Grandma, I want one. I really like the frame it's in too. I might just have to copy you :)

  6. Be my guest. I really like that picture. My parent's somehow got a whole bunch on their computer, so I can get all stocked up on photos of both sides of my family. :)
