Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Point's Tulip Festival

Houston loved these pink ones
Houston and I finally got to the Tulip Festival.  We have always wanted to go but this was the first year that we really made a serious effort to get there.  It was the perfect day for it too.  Good weather, not too many people.  We have both been to the Thanksgiving Point Garden before, and it is huge!  Now imagine that with Tulips everywhere.  They have all colors and kinds.  Be prepared.... there are bunch of pictures in this post.

Hope you like flowers... Tulips in particular. ;)

Purple!  I love these!

 We were pretty impressed by these beds and the color combo's in them

 Houston with the first bed he ever loved

Can I have these... Please!

These are some pretty crazy Tulips.  They look so much better in person

My photography moment

The top half of a very large fountain.  So pretty!

I love the dark pink ones.  Matched with orange, even better

We decided to call these Radish Tulips

Me, in a sea of yellow!

The mix of orange and yellow is a perfect combo!

A hidden carousel

Many a kid rolled down this hill while we were there.  I don't know how I got this shot.

I like the contrast from the rounded petals to the pointy!

Doesn't it look like they go forever!?

Red... How I love thee.

Yes, these are Tulips

Yay Us!

Saw these on the way out.  I couldn't resist!

Oh yes, and some really little Daffodils.  I like little things.

We had so much fun.  I can't wait to have my own yard to fill with all sorts of crazy plants!  There is one Tulip and I absolutely LOVE that they didn't have there.  Maybe I should put in a request for next year!

There called Queen of the Night.

Here's a picture.  It should be pretty obvious that it's something I would choose. ;)

Black/purple  Ah yeah!

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