Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Framing of Life... More Frames

So, I went into Rod Works again.  I was after a specific frame that I knew the perfect picture for.  Well... I ended up getting a few more frames...

This is the frame I originally went in there for. I think it fits this picture so perfectly!  My Grandpa Pehrson

I wanted pictures of both of sets of my grandparents.  This is my grandma and grandpa Hatch

This frame was totally hidden behind stuff, but I dug it out. This is my dad on his mission in France

Another photo of my Grandpa Pehrson.  I love this picture!

I've had this picture for awhile.  It's in one of the black frames we used at our wedding.  This is my Grandpa Hatch with one of his very favorite Arabian horses.

I just had to show this picture.  It has no frame yet but it's definitely got one coming.  This is my Great Great Grandpa Hatch.  Lorenzo Hill Hatch.  This picture is kinda creepy.  This will be one of those ones that people take a second look. ;)

And, of course, my extra find.  I have a slight obsession with clocks so this was right up my alley.  There are 3 little gold hooks in the center of the clocks, as well as 2 double hooks under the shelf.  Who knows where it will go now, but it has a spot somewhere in our future home.

There are so many pictures I want to put into the  future "picture wall".  This is just the very tip of the iceberg.  Lucky me that my dad so insanely into genealogy.  He has loads of old pictures, on his computer, of both sides of the family.  This will be a project of the ages, but I'm pretty excited to get it started. :)


  1. Very Cool idea! How fun for everyone to see all those awesome pictures/frames in one place. I love how it displays how important your family is to you. And Rod Works is the best!

  2. I think I heard about Rod Works from you actually! I love that place. There are so many things I like there but I have no where to put it right at the moment. I told Houston that he needs to get a hold of some photos of his family so it's well rounded. Ha ha! It will be so fun when it's all done. (Granted it will be awhile before it can even be put up) ;P

  3. those are so cool! I love the one with your dad on his mission. So perfect!

    And I found an owl watch/ bead thing that would be perfect for you! I think I need to go get it for you...

  4. I have always wanted a picture wall! And I LOVE all of your unique frames. Now to convince Matt that they are memories and not clutter... ;)

  5. Have fun with that Amanda! Ha ha! I don't think guys understand. Right now the frames are everywhere, but once they find that special wall it will be awesome. :)
