Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Waddling Horde!

First off I must tell you of my affection for ducks.  I think they are so fun!

Today, while I was delivering mail. I happen to be on the phone with my sister.  I have a section on my route that is one after another, after another of those CBU boxes (Silver boxes with a group of boxes for a neighborhood)  Across the street from where I am, there is a a little stream that runs between the backyards of a group of town homes.  There is usually a pair of ducks that swim back and forth in there.  Today I wasn't really looking over there, but I saw out of the corner of my eye something coming across the road to me.  It was a pair of ducks.  Male and female.  I told Julie, with gitty excitement.  I continued filling the box, not thinking the ducks would come close.  Well.... they did.  They came right up to me.  But I noticed there were a few more....  That's when I look up and see the HERD of ducks coming over to me.  LOL!  It was awesome!  I took pictures....

First photo taken...

A moment later....

Waddling Horde is upon me!!!

I couldn't ask for a better surprise!  I love ducks.  There little quack, such a cute sound!  I didn't have anything to feed them though.  I will say that these particular ducks had no fear of cars so it took a  bit longer to get on to the next box. From there, I do another set of CBU's, then I'm across the street from where this picture was taken.  By the time I got there, the duck horde had moved back over to the stream.  As I stand at that CBU box over there, I hear the quack sound again... growing louder.  I turn around to see the same group swimming very quickly towards me.  I'm sure they were hoping I had something this time, since I didn't the first.  No luck. :(

Maybe I will get some crackers or something, just in case I'm swarmed upon again next week.  I wouldn't mind that actually.  It makes me want to own ducks again. I would have this kind though...

Called, Cayuga Ducks

Book Review: The Help

What a good book!  My favorite book in school was To Kill A Mockingbird.  This book reminds me a lot of that.  I can't believe how people were treated so recently!  It's amazing to see how far we've come as people.  I'm so glad that it's not like it is in this book anymore.  It does make me happy that there were people in this time period that didn't think what was happening to the African American community as being fair. 

What great characters.  My favorite is Minny.  She is the sarcastic-comic relief of the book.  I loved how she would describe a situation or person.  So funny.  I liked all the other main characters as well.  Well... The nice ones anyway. 


This makes it 5 books read in January.  Number of pages total: 2,714 pages

I've decided to keep a tally for the year.  I've never enjoyed reading so much.  I might actually get through all the books I own, that I haven't even opened yet.  If I can give any advice, Don't buy more than 3 books at a time.  You will get so overwhelmed and never read them all.  (Personal experience)  Most of the books that I have are old classic books.  We will see how fast I can get through them.  They aren't quite as easy to get through. :P

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Extra Fabric = More Projects

If you do any type of sewing, you know what I'm talking about when I say,  "I have fabric, and have no idea what to do with it."  The scenario, for me, always goes like this...  I go to the fabric store to buy fabric for a project, like this....
As I stand in line to have my fabric cut, out of the corner of  my eye, I see some really cute fabric that, for who knows what reason, I feel like I have to have.  In this case, this fabric....
Afterwards, it sits in a drawer of months and months and months...  Then out of the blue I remember it's there, and have no idea what I planned on doing with it.  Hmm....

I swear ideas fall down on me right when I need them.  I found this tutorial for Puff Quilt.  I thought it was an awesome idea!  The funny thing is, the quilt that was made for the tutorial is the same color combo as the fabric I have.  There it is...

And... Close up!

What a great idea!  Now a new problem.  I only have 2 fabrics.  They are way too busy to make this with just those!  So... I had to go back to the fabric store to add to it so I could do it properly.  So, now add the following to the fabric I first purchased...

All together looks like this...

I can't just wing things like this.  I have to draw myself a template so I know the game plan from the very beginning.  So I drew this...

Now for the back.  I'm not making a full size quilt out of it.  It's actually just baby size.  NO IDEA'S here people!  I'm not pregnant!  Anyway, being a baby blanket means it has to be soft and snuggly.  I must be a giant nerd but I found this....
It's black faux fur.  Lol! it's so soft!  Taking pictures of black fabric, on a black couch looks all sorts of weird, so sorry about a crazy photo.  

I have a super project ahead of me.  But I have a few other fabric projects that need to be completed first.  So until then.  I have something fun to occupy my time.  :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Day of the Snowman

We actually have snow now!  Not for long I'm sure but enough to play in for awhile anyway. I went to my parent's house today and that's the only place Phynix wanted to be.  In the snow!  Troy said that when she first saw it this morning, she kept asking when Christmas was. :P

The sun was out so I was able to go out with her without getting all decked out in snow gear.  First she made a snow angel.  Then she wanted to make a snowman.  I told her to start, but she wasn't exactly sure how.  So I started a ball and showed her how you roll it around in the snow so it gets bigger.  The ball got big really fast!  I asked her if that was big enough and she said no the first time, until the ball got taller than she was. She had started her own ball but wasn't working to hard on it.  I made the middle ball, and by this time, my dad is out with the camera.  I made the second ball, but had to be proportional to the bigger one.  My dad laughed when he saw how big it was and didn't think I would be able to get it up on the first one.  Lucky me I did.  I helped Phynix finish her smaller ball for the head and went to put it on...  I set it down too hard on the top and the center ball broke in half.... Oops!  So I made a new one and carefully put the head ball on.

I told Phynix to go ask grandma for a carrot while I looked for some rocks.  At that moment my mom walked out with a snowman making kit that had all the pieces you need.  Plastic carrot, pipe, hat scarf, buttons, and eyes.  So we put the pieces on.  Phynix was so proud of the snowman, that she wanted to make another.  Here are some pictures...

Phynix starting the second one....

What Phynix spent 90% of her time doing.... Eating snow...
Lol! she looks sad in this picture, but she's not.  She held her face weird the entire time she ate snow.  

My gloves were wet and so were hers so we decided to go inside after that.  I told her that she could eat snow, but she had to follow one rule.  Don't Eat Yellow Snow!  She asked why and I told her.She crinkled her nose.  Lol! It's pretty much a guarantee that she will go looking for it at some point just to make sure I wasn't making it up.  Then we'll all have to come see that she found some.

I thought it was important to tell her that. Considering she pretty much tried to eat the whole backyard while we were out there.   

Yay for snow!!!  While it lasts. :/

Monday, January 23, 2012

Book Review: The Girl Who Played With Fire

This is the second book of the Millennium Trilogy.  First book being The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and last being The Girl Who Kicked a Hornets Nest. 

Ah, the thing I love most about the series of good books is that most of the important characters are established so there is not a lot of "back story" in the later books. 

Both Lisbeth and Mikael are still carrying out their main roles.  The tables have turned in this one though.  The first book was mostly about Mikael and his work with Vanger family.  This book shifts to Lisbeth.

In this book Lisbeth is accused of triple murder.  Because of her peculiar social habits it is very plausible that she could kill people, but its the hunt for the truth that forces Mikael to protect the girl he thought his friend from the first book.  Something strange happened that caused her to cut him out of her life, and he has no idea what that is.  A lot of questions about the murder turn into a crazy web that includes the threat to National Security.  

I love Lisbeth's character.  She is so peculiar.  She is an introvert.  You don't know a lot about her, but the bits and pieces you find along the way really help you to understand why she is the way she is.  I think the best and most unusual thing about her is that she is described as only being about 90 lbs, but if you back her into a corner she will come at you as if she's a T-Rex!  I also, feel sorry for her.  She realizes the flaws she has in regards to relationships with other people, and she feels bad about it. But, like I said, once you read about her life, you come to understand.

Great book!  Stieg Larsson is a great author.  Too bad he died in 2004.  At least he was able to finish this trilogy.  I will get to the last book, but I like to read something not from the series in between each one. 

It's on to a book that's completely different. 

Up next:  The Help, by Kathryn Stockett

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Book Review: The Plague Dogs

No back story for this one. :P  Straight on to review...

Written by the same author as Watership Down.  This book is about two dogs, Rowf a black shaggy lab, and Snitter a Smooth Fox Terrier, who escape from a Animal testing facility.  After their escape, they realize that living in the wild is a bot harder than they imagined, but it well worth it not to go back to the horrible place they had come from. 

This book is very sad.  The author explains that all the experiments that are talked about in the book have happened to some animal somewhere.  It's horrifying to wrap your mind around.  The whole time your cheering for the dogs as their adventure out into the world comes with a lot of very unfortunate events, but also the very strong bond of friendship and some happy times. 

I made it sound like it's a horrible book.  It really isn't.  I really liked it.  It made me wish for the fair treatment and care of animals everywhere.  I wanted, every moment, to scoop these dogs up and take them home to live a happy life at the foot of my bed. 

There are some great human characters in this book as well.  Thank goodness for that!  There are a few that you aren't sure about at first, but come around towards the end.  There are also characters that you absolutely want to drown in the nearest lake!  That or maybe do some experiments, like the ones talked about in the book.

This book is more graphic just because of the subject matter, so I would say for adults. :)

Moral of the story.  BE GOOD TO ANIMALS!  I really believe that animals aren't just mindless drones.  They have a right to happy life, just as much as we do.


The book ends good!  I was so afraid because the chapters are dates from when they escaped to the end.  Guess when the end day is...?  It's my birthday.  I wouldn't have been too happy if it would've ended badly.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cirque Du Soleil

I was Brynn's golden year.  I have never heard that before, which she then explained to me is when you birth "day" is the same as your age.  She wanted to do something fun for her golden year.  She had thrown a few ideas she had at me, but nothing serious.  Then I got a text 2 weeks ago asking if I could get this weekend off to go to Vegas.  She wanted to go see Cirque Du Soleil.  I've always wanted to see a Cirque show live as well.  So... we went.  It was Brynn, Justin, Brynn's friend Brianne, her boyfriend Kevin, Houston and I.

We left Friday and came back today.  We stayed at the Excalibur, which was really awesome.  The rooms were nice. I wanted to steal the pillows.  I didn't, of course, but it crossed my mind.

We didn't only go to Cirque.  We hit a few other fun exhibits as well.  One of those being the Bodies Exhibition...
It was so crazy!  They explain how the bodies a preserved and you get to see pretty much the whole body in different rooms based on the system.  Like the circulatory system or embryo development.  It was kinda gross but pretty cool as well.  You couldn't take pictures inside, but here are some photos I got online to show you what's in there...
This next one was not in this particular exhibit but they did have different parts of the body like this....  It's the circulatory system, which I thought was the best...

After the Bodies Exhibition we went on Hotel over to Mandalay Bay to the Shark Reef.  There were a ton of people in there and my camera was having a hard time in the light.  Sorry for some bad pictures... LOL!

Waiting for Brynn and Justin before we went in.

I loved this face on the wall.  Brynn was such a good sport and posed for a picture with him!

Later that night was the main event.... Cirque Du Soleil!  There are at least 5 or 6 different Cirque shows in Vegas right now.  Brynn chose for us to go to KA, at the MGM Grand Hotel.

Let me say first that it was AMAZING!!!  If you ever get a chance, go and see one!

There were no cameras allowed during the show so, I had to find you some pictures online, to give you a brief idea of what you would see if you went and saw KA!

Here are some of the cast members normal and in costume!

 This show is, as they say gravity defying.  Here is the stage... that can and does go vertical!

Before the show started, there were people walking around and taking pictures.  We had had an earlier experience with this that was slightly awkward.  This time, no other couple in our group wanted one, but I figured that if I saw the pictures after and didn't like it, I wasn't obligated to buy. When the show got over, we went and looked at them.  I actually thought they were pretty good.  They came in this very nice display case (That logo at the top of this post is the cover of it)  So I bought it.  Here it is....
The mask I bought as well, along with a t-shirt too. :P  The mask is not used in this particular Cirque show.  It comes from their other show "O"  That can be seen at the Bellagio Hotel.

Here, have a look at a small promo video for it...

Sunday there was no particular plan other than to hit a Buffet somewhere.  We ended up at the Buffet at the Bellagio.  It was pricey, but any buffet that you can get as much prime rib as you want... I'M THERE!

We were totally stuffed.  Brynn and Justin's faces say it all. LOL!

 Here's our whole group!

Totally random photo.  This was in the Bellagio.  I thought it was cool.  Thought I'd share!
It was a great trip!  We had tons of fun!  I haven't been on a vacation in a while so it was good to get away and see something as cool as Cirque Du Soleil!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Book Review: Watership Down

As I explained in my last book review, this book has a back story too.  First off I have to say, that I have such a hard time finding new authors to like.  I honestly stumble upon most by freak encounters or doing some digging on movies and finding out that it was based off a book.  In this case, finding out about this author was even more strange than any before... 

My spring craft... with the Atlas the Hare.  I showed that picture to my sister Julie.  Later that same day her and I, my mom, and Shelby and Kassie, all went to Hobby Lobby. The last time they were here Julie wanted me to take Kassie there, but they are not open on Sundays.  This time though, they weren't leaving until Tuesday, so Monday was  our day to go.  When we got there, we walked down through the new section of Spring decor.  Where I happened to find Atlas.  I pointed him out to them.  Kassie whispered something to Julie that I didn't hear.  I didn't ask what she said, right away.  Later that day, Kassie had gone home and I asked Julie what she had said.  She told me that Kassie thought my rabbit looked like one from Watership Down.....  Watership What...?  I had no idea what it was.  Julie told me that, as a kid, Kassie would choose that movie to rent just about every time they went to the video store.  Come to find out later that it was not exactly a movie for young kids.  It was made in England and the rating was PG, but it should have been otherwise.   Anyway, I was curious about this mysterious movie.  It's not for kids but it's not horribly bad either.  The only reason it's not for kids is because there are fight scenes between rabbits and the animators didn't leave out the blood.   Then I found out it was based off a book.  So I searched for it.  Every site I went to, to see reviews about the book, gave it at least 4 out of 5 stars.  I have a thing for rabbits.... it's a new author... I pretty much new the story from the movie...  I felt it was a gamble I could make, and just buy the book.  I also bought another book from him called "The Plague Dogs"  (Book review later)  Now that the whole back story is out of the way, on to the review....


This is a wonderful book!  I'll get the only downfall out of the way, which is more of just a bump in the road, not something horrible.  When the rabbit's speak to each other they have different words for things like a tractor, or anything else human that has a motor, for example.  They call it a Hrududu when talking to each other.  And a Fox is called a Homba.  There are a fair few words that are strange that you get the hang of as you read along.  The animal ones I had a hard time remembering, but luckily, the book comes with a "Lapine glossary"  in the back.  There names are different when the author tells the story than when the rabbits call each other by name.  This is actually a good thing because their name in the Lapine language is strange.  For example, there is a rabbit named Pipkin, that's his English name, but his Lapine name is, Hlao-roo.  Yeah, I would much rather read Pipkin for the majority of the book. 

Now the good stuff.  It's a great story of adventure.  A group of rabbit's, lead by Hazel and his oracle brother Fiver, leave their warren at the urging of Fiver who believes something horrible is going to happen.  The small group leaves including, Hazel, Fiver, Pipkin, Bigwig, Blackberry, Hawkbit and a few others.  They are all male rabbits.  On their journey to Watership Down they come across all sorts of pit falls and serious choices. The most serious challenge comes in the form of a dictator rabbit named General Woundwart.  He's a beast of a character!  Their struggle with him forces the whole group to choose between whats right and whats easy.  

The book also takes you into the world of rabbits and their fictional world, including their creation story and religion.  It really shapes everything they do.  The author also did a lot of background study on real rabbits and how they live.  That makes it that much better in my opinion.  You could probably read this book and find a warren of rabbits and totally understand why they do some of the things they do. (Not based off their religion)  

I think it's great that each rabbit has his own personality and thoughts.  They are all so different, which works to their advantage along the way.  I got so attached to all of them, that I still can't decide, for sure, who is my favorite.  I love stories about the good in people, or this case rabbits. I'm a huge cry baby these days.  Maybe it's because I do get attached to them that there was more than one time I cried in this book. 

This is an awesome book.  Moral integrity is a huge part of this book which makes it a happy read.  I went away feeling like there is still good in the world and people that can choose act like moral citizens.   The book is probably for ages 12 and older for vocabulary reasons as well as some battle scenes and there is brief discussion about mating.  Not actually talking "About the action of it"  but just that it's apart of there life and a bunch of male rabbits aren't going to succeed in starting a new warren if there aren't any females to procreate, that's all.


Anyway, there's my review.  This book id more friendly to anyone reading my blog than the last book I reviewed.  It really is a great book  that everyone should read.  :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Book Review: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Back story first.  I saw the Swedish films about this book, and the two that follow, last spring sometime.  I thought about buying the books and didn't.  Houston's friend Sam bought the first book and was unimpressed. (He didn't get far enough into the book)  Anyway, so he gave it to me.  I was slightly afraid to read it because it has some explicit content and I wasn't sure I how the author would describe those parts.  You've read this name many times but about a week and a half ago my friend Brynn asked if I wanted to read it and join her at the book club she goes to, to discuss it.  Lucky for me, I already had the book lying around.  Anyway, onto the actual book review...


It's a great book if you like mystery novels.  In a nut shell, it's about a journalist who is hired to write a book about the Vanger family, who happen to be owners of an industrial corporation, and to also  attempt to solve an old family mystery.  There was really no hope of solving the mystery, but he was asked to try anyway.  The other part of the story is about Lisbeth.  She is an introverted outcast who is insanely smart and who's profession is to do background checks for a company called Milton Security, but I would think it should be more properly called "digging up dirt" on people.  The beginning of the book is jumps back and forth between the two stories and eventually converge.

All I can say is once you get into it you really can't put it down!  The only downfall of this book is that because it's the first book of three there is A LOT of back story at the beginning about all the characters, as well as some other no namer's that we didn't really need to know about.  That's the hang up.  If you can get through all the "getting to know you" part at the beginning you will be pleasantly surprised at how hooked you will get.

As for the explicit content.  This book deals with some very tough issues.  So, if you are not okay with reading about crimes against women, then don't bother reading it.  I was very afraid, going into it that those sections of the book would be pages long and very descriptive.  (Had that been the case, I would have skipped over those sections entirely) Thankfully it was VERY brief, and as appropriate as it could be. I was very impressed by that.

Now that I think about it, all the back story will most likely come in handy in the next two books.  I have seen the movie, so I sort of already have a cheat sheet in my brain.  I can't remember too much about them, but it all comes flooding back when I read.  I will most likely read the next two books soon enough.  


That was probably the worst book review ever written, but I didn't want to give too much away if you do consider reading it.

Anyway, now it's onto Watership Down.  There's a story behind that book too.

Until then....

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I was very excited about Christmas this year.  Mostly because I have a job and can buy some cool gifts.  The one gift I was excited for was Houston's big present.  He goes Grouse hunting with his friend Justin and he has been talking about getting a .410 shotgun for awhile.  Well.... I did.  :)  I stood in Cabela's for about 2 hours getting this thing purchased.  That was about a month ago.  I was so proud of myself that I didn't give it away early.   Not only was it a .410, it can be converted into a .22 rifle as well. 

Anyway, here some pictures...

Houston loves Legos.  So of course he got some. :) He couldn't wait, he had to put it together right away.

Houston is so awesome.  I told him that I wanted Dior's J'Adore perfume.  Yeah... he got it for me.  IT even  came with a fun bag!

I've wanted to get Ticket to Ride for awhile.  When I saw this Nordic Countries version I just had to get it.

We have been talking about getting a dutch oven to do roasts in for a long time too.  I got one!  You can't tell but it's a really cool blue color!

Movie's... of course we got some!  Notice.. They are all kids movies.  I didn't do that on purpose, really! 

And here's the gun!  I was so excited!  I think he was too.  It's a youth model (which I didn't know) :/  But he still liked it just the same.

Anyway, there were other little random things but in a nut shell, that was our Christmas.