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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Book Review: The Plague Dogs

No back story for this one. :P  Straight on to review...

Written by the same author as Watership Down.  This book is about two dogs, Rowf a black shaggy lab, and Snitter a Smooth Fox Terrier, who escape from a Animal testing facility.  After their escape, they realize that living in the wild is a bot harder than they imagined, but it well worth it not to go back to the horrible place they had come from. 

This book is very sad.  The author explains that all the experiments that are talked about in the book have happened to some animal somewhere.  It's horrifying to wrap your mind around.  The whole time your cheering for the dogs as their adventure out into the world comes with a lot of very unfortunate events, but also the very strong bond of friendship and some happy times. 

I made it sound like it's a horrible book.  It really isn't.  I really liked it.  It made me wish for the fair treatment and care of animals everywhere.  I wanted, every moment, to scoop these dogs up and take them home to live a happy life at the foot of my bed. 

There are some great human characters in this book as well.  Thank goodness for that!  There are a few that you aren't sure about at first, but come around towards the end.  There are also characters that you absolutely want to drown in the nearest lake!  That or maybe do some experiments, like the ones talked about in the book.

This book is more graphic just because of the subject matter, so I would say for adults. :)

Moral of the story.  BE GOOD TO ANIMALS!  I really believe that animals aren't just mindless drones.  They have a right to happy life, just as much as we do.


The book ends good!  I was so afraid because the chapters are dates from when they escaped to the end.  Guess when the end day is...?  It's my birthday.  I wouldn't have been too happy if it would've ended badly.

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