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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Book Review: The Help

What a good book!  My favorite book in school was To Kill A Mockingbird.  This book reminds me a lot of that.  I can't believe how people were treated so recently!  It's amazing to see how far we've come as people.  I'm so glad that it's not like it is in this book anymore.  It does make me happy that there were people in this time period that didn't think what was happening to the African American community as being fair. 

What great characters.  My favorite is Minny.  She is the sarcastic-comic relief of the book.  I loved how she would describe a situation or person.  So funny.  I liked all the other main characters as well.  Well... The nice ones anyway. 


This makes it 5 books read in January.  Number of pages total: 2,714 pages

I've decided to keep a tally for the year.  I've never enjoyed reading so much.  I might actually get through all the books I own, that I haven't even opened yet.  If I can give any advice, Don't buy more than 3 books at a time.  You will get so overwhelmed and never read them all.  (Personal experience)  Most of the books that I have are old classic books.  We will see how fast I can get through them.  They aren't quite as easy to get through. :P

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