Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Day of the Snowman

We actually have snow now!  Not for long I'm sure but enough to play in for awhile anyway. I went to my parent's house today and that's the only place Phynix wanted to be.  In the snow!  Troy said that when she first saw it this morning, she kept asking when Christmas was. :P

The sun was out so I was able to go out with her without getting all decked out in snow gear.  First she made a snow angel.  Then she wanted to make a snowman.  I told her to start, but she wasn't exactly sure how.  So I started a ball and showed her how you roll it around in the snow so it gets bigger.  The ball got big really fast!  I asked her if that was big enough and she said no the first time, until the ball got taller than she was. She had started her own ball but wasn't working to hard on it.  I made the middle ball, and by this time, my dad is out with the camera.  I made the second ball, but had to be proportional to the bigger one.  My dad laughed when he saw how big it was and didn't think I would be able to get it up on the first one.  Lucky me I did.  I helped Phynix finish her smaller ball for the head and went to put it on...  I set it down too hard on the top and the center ball broke in half.... Oops!  So I made a new one and carefully put the head ball on.

I told Phynix to go ask grandma for a carrot while I looked for some rocks.  At that moment my mom walked out with a snowman making kit that had all the pieces you need.  Plastic carrot, pipe, hat scarf, buttons, and eyes.  So we put the pieces on.  Phynix was so proud of the snowman, that she wanted to make another.  Here are some pictures...

Phynix starting the second one....

What Phynix spent 90% of her time doing.... Eating snow...
Lol! she looks sad in this picture, but she's not.  She held her face weird the entire time she ate snow.  

My gloves were wet and so were hers so we decided to go inside after that.  I told her that she could eat snow, but she had to follow one rule.  Don't Eat Yellow Snow!  She asked why and I told her.She crinkled her nose.  Lol! It's pretty much a guarantee that she will go looking for it at some point just to make sure I wasn't making it up.  Then we'll all have to come see that she found some.

I thought it was important to tell her that. Considering she pretty much tried to eat the whole backyard while we were out there.   

Yay for snow!!!  While it lasts. :/

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