Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Milestone of the AGES!!!

So, as all of my cousins on here know, I HATED peaches as a kid.  Barfing on my aunt's counter... Yeah...  I would've rather jumped in front of a truck than eat peaches.

Now the milestone.  My mother-in-law LOVES Lemon Elberta Peaches.  She had Houston run over to the local grower over the weekend to get her some.  She was out of town until Sunday, and when she got back these peaches had to be bottled!  She did half yesterday and was going to do the other half today.  She was  going to come home early from work to do them but that didn't exactly work out.  So she asked me to help out.  I didn't really plan on trying any.  I was just going to be the peeler. (A simple job)  She told me that could have as many as I wanted. (I didn't want any)  Lol!  As she was cutting them up to put into the jars, she offered me a slice. I didn't want to be rude, so I took one.  The smallest one, mind you. ;)  I took that tiny bite, waiting fir that ugly face and gag reflex to kick in... And... It never came.  It was actually really good!!  So much so, that I just downed the rest without a thought about it.  We finished filling all the bottles that she had, but there were extra peaches that had been peeled.  So she cut up a few and put them into a bowl.  I thought it was for her, but it was for me.  She put milk on them (She says their better with cream, but there was none).  It was very yummy nonetheless.  I ate it in like 5 minutes.  Lol!  Loved it! 

For all of those who think I'm telling a tall tale. ( I can completely understand.  I don't believe it either)  Here is the proof.....

The bowl is blurry.  Here is EXTRA proof!

It's a miracle! 

Lemon Elberta's= A+

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Fall Project, and What I Deem a "spring/summer time" Wreath

More projects.... Me!?  Who'd a thunk!  :P

These are pretty easy projects, so this post with be short and sweet.  First off, the fall project.  I have always like cornucopias.  They look cool, and  who doesn't like to say it!?  So, I bought all the pieces at Hobby Lobby.  The cornucopia, itself,  was very loosely woven, so I hot glued a piece of burlap inside to hide all the stems.  Now you can't even tell that it's holy. All the other pieces are just swags.  TO get them to stay where I wanted them I used Floral foam.  My dear niece Phynix helped me put all the pieces in.  Here is the finished product....

The other project...

I wanted to make a peacock feather wreath.  For a "spring/summer time" wreath.  I tried to make it with black boa's.  That didn't work..  The feathers kept coming out and made a pretty big mess. :(  I also wanted the feathers to look a bit nicer than a child's feather boa.  I gave up and used the wreath form (Grapevine wreath) for a Halloween wreath. (To be posted in due course)

Over the weekend I was in Joann's Fabric with my mom and aunt.  I came across the perfect black feather wreath.  ON SALE no less!  It was perfect for my peacock wreath.  I added the peacock eyes and the little green feathers.

Here is what it looked like at first...

Here's the finished product...

 Love love love it!  I can't wait to hang this one up.   I have many projects in the works, at the moment.  So expect more posts such as this one.  :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wyoming! August was a Busy One,,,

There is only one more thing from August.  *Sigh* It's has been along time since we've been to Houston's parents' cabin in Wyoming.  I made a special effort to get a Saturday off.  We left on Friday morning and spent the day riding around the dune buggy.
We rode around, up on the hills down in the trees, all around.  We got up on top of the hills, near by, and I told Houston to do something cool for a picture.  Since we were in Wyoming, he found his inner cowboy...
And then there's me... I can't keep my hair out of my face.  Blasted wind!

While up on the hills, We could see what Houston's family calls Dinosaur Ridge.  My dinosaur impression...  (ridge is that small hill under my hands) 

Here is a better picture of it....

There are a lot of flowers... and bugs...

Bugs... more like giant Spider!
 Late Friday night, Sam, Jutt, and Glade came up.  On Saturday morning they their turn on the Dune Buggy...
And yes, they were the ones who found that monster spider!  Here's Jutt checking it out...
Then there's are birds, and nature, and nature, AND some more nature.  Then there's a windmill...

  We had a nice time hanging out up there. Houston and guys played a game Houston got called Pandemic.  It's definitely their type of game.  Strategy is a requirement.  It is sorta sad that there is satellite TV up there.  We don't have it at home.  So once it got late at night, we watched all that useless TV, we don't have at home.  Lol!

We had loads of fun.  :)

There is this quilt... A quilt sewn by Houston's aunt.  Oh my, is it amazing.  I only wish.

Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 Get Up Stronger

^^^^^^That is the America we all know and love!^^^^^^^

Those memorial fountains are so beautiful.  You can never forget what was there, and what an awesome way to do a fountain, flowing down instead of up.

Part of what those terrorist were trying to accomplish, actually went to opposite way.  They tried to kill our spirit, and instead we got back up stronger than before.  What a great message to our children.  We have had so many other examples of this in history, such as Pearl Harbor, but this one is for our generation.  I honestly believe that because of how our country views the world, with tolerance and grace where it's due, is why something like this did not bring us down.  And the fact that we can morn with other countries in their time of grief as well.

I didn't post this until today because I wanted to watch all the coverage of yesterday and then give my thoughts on the whole thing.  I was so impressed that almost all of the music played were songs like, "God Bless America" and "Amazing Grace".  I'm glad our country hasn't forgotten who blessed us with this great land that we live so freely in.  I was able to watch the coverage up until church at 11.  Once it was over we were back home in time to see the last few songs that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang for their tribute to 9/11.  How beautiful it was.  They sang Amazing Grace with bagpipes to end the program.  It was so perfect.

We were not the only ones to show respect for this day.  The following are photos from around the world of people showing support for our nation.  What great people their are in the world.

High school students pose for a photo by a damaged replica of the Statue of Liberty in Ishinomaki, Japan, Sunday. As the world commemorated the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, Sunday, September 11, 2011.
Peace activists release white doves during a commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 terror attacks in Berlin, Germany, on September 11, 2011

Three small stones are placed over a name on one of the plaques in the '9/11 Memorial' outside Jerusalem on Sept. 11, 2011, during a 10th anniversary memorial ceremony marking the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States, which killed nearly 3,000 people, including five Israelis. It is customary at Jewish cemeteries to place stones on the graves of loved ones. The memorial here contains a large American flag made of bronze that appears to be billowing in the wind, and has plaques containing all of the nearly 3,000 names of the victims, the only site to do so outside the one at the World Trade Center in New York City.

Members of Clerkenwell Fire Station's Green Watch observe a minute of silence in London, England, on Sunday, remembering their fellow firefighters who lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York.

I'm SO proud to be an American.  How blessed are we.  I'm glad that we can stand as a symbol of strength, for ourselves, and the rest of the world. 

  I love this commercial....


THANK YOU for keeping this nation free!

 God Bless America

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Glass slippers" Continued....

I know, like 5 posted in 2 days.  I had to get all caught up, and now I am I swear. Anyway...

So, back in March I posted about getting new church shoes and could only find black when I wanted colored ones.  Well,  I have now succeeded in getting 2 new pairs that are colored!

First off is this pair...
Their MIA brand.  The color is called Mushroom Cherie.  Greenish brown, pretty much.  Not really colorful, but the next pair will make up for that.

Enter..... The KING!!!

I'm kidding!  I don't think Elvis would have worn these, but yes these baby's are blue suede.  I have really been trying to appreciate blue more recently.  I really like blue, but for some reason I don't really own anything blue...  That is the one good thing about owning a lot of black clothes though... If you wear all black you can wear whatever color of shoes your little heart desires. ;)

Tomorrow being September 11 I decided that I'm going to pair these with my red, white and black plaid shirt to church.  Dorky, I know, but I want to show my support.  That's the best way I know how at the moment.  I actually remember exactly where I was when the planes hit.  Like it was yesterday.

Anyway, that's my shoe update.  ;)

It's a Zoo in Here!

So, Julie came down for Labor Day Weekend.  We made a trip to the Zoo.  She brought Shelby, her daughter, and two of Angie's boys, Braden and Jace.  Here is the trip....

Dad, Julie, Mom and Phynix heading into the zoo.  Phynix is slightly excited... just slightly.

 Lol! There's that cute pouty face again.  ;)

 Scheli and Phynix checking out the giraffe

 The cutest picture ever!  Phynix getting a close up view of this adorable little monkey.  Houston says he looks like Einstein.  So.... This is an "Einstein" monkey. Lol!

 I have no idea what kind of bird this is but it's so odd looking and such a beautiful color!  Odd and beautiful.... I dig it!

 This Parrot is hard to see but it has a bright red head with a blue-ish  body.  It made a really awesome whistle.  I could listen to that all day.

 Jace, Troy, Scheli, and Phynix Measuring up!  Phynix had to have her hands right on the baby gorilla figure's hands. 

 Shelby and Julie.  Daughter and mom.  These guys are awesome

 Phynix, Jace, Shelby and I rode the carousel.  I was the gitty one who wanted to. This carousel had zoo animals on it.  Shelby rode a gorilla. Jace was on a Rhino. Phynix was on a Polar Bear, and I was on a Wild Boar. I love carousels! 
This took awhile to get Phynix to let go of the bar and wave.  She was holding on for dear life for the first few times around.  

The zoo was fun.  They are in the process of building new part. I can't remember what animals were supposed to be featured there...  I'm sure it will be really cool nonetheless. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Sound of Music

Yeah, I know, I've posted two other posts already today, but I'm WAY behind on the summers event's.  Now onto the next....

I posted awhile back that we were going to The Sounds of Music up at Sundance.  Here is our adventure!  First off, Houston didn't really know the story going into it, so I filled him in. We ate at Goodwood Barbeque before heading up there. (they have the best onion rings!!) 

Houston showing off the stage.  We sat up on the grassy knolls above the seats this time.

Waiting for it to start!  So excited!

A clear view of the stage.  They rolled the pieces around for each scene.  It was very smooth between scenes.

Us during intermission.  You can't really tell but it started pouring rain right at the "favorite things" I totally thought it was part of it.  Once it began to pour and people started to leave, I realized it was for real from the heavens.  Lol!  We stayed the whole time.  It rained once more but it was worth it!

This is Houston's pouty face.  I love this so much I had to get a picture of it.  LOL!  I really hope our kids get this feature.  The only bad thing is, I might laugh at them.... :)

We were pretty much dry by the time we left.  Then it was home to bed.  This was so awesome!   Houston such a good guy to give a musical a chance. Especially one he didn't really know before.  He Enjoyed it.  I bought the movie so now he can Julie Andrews at her best! 

I wonder what Sundance will do next year....  I'm sure it will be good.