Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wyoming! August was a Busy One,,,

There is only one more thing from August.  *Sigh* It's has been along time since we've been to Houston's parents' cabin in Wyoming.  I made a special effort to get a Saturday off.  We left on Friday morning and spent the day riding around the dune buggy.
We rode around, up on the hills down in the trees, all around.  We got up on top of the hills, near by, and I told Houston to do something cool for a picture.  Since we were in Wyoming, he found his inner cowboy...
And then there's me... I can't keep my hair out of my face.  Blasted wind!

While up on the hills, We could see what Houston's family calls Dinosaur Ridge.  My dinosaur impression...  (ridge is that small hill under my hands) 

Here is a better picture of it....

There are a lot of flowers... and bugs...

Bugs... more like giant Spider!
 Late Friday night, Sam, Jutt, and Glade came up.  On Saturday morning they their turn on the Dune Buggy...
And yes, they were the ones who found that monster spider!  Here's Jutt checking it out...
Then there's are birds, and nature, and nature, AND some more nature.  Then there's a windmill...

  We had a nice time hanging out up there. Houston and guys played a game Houston got called Pandemic.  It's definitely their type of game.  Strategy is a requirement.  It is sorta sad that there is satellite TV up there.  We don't have it at home.  So once it got late at night, we watched all that useless TV, we don't have at home.  Lol!

We had loads of fun.  :)

There is this quilt... A quilt sewn by Houston's aunt.  Oh my, is it amazing.  I only wish.


  1. It looks like you had a fabulous time... BUT it would have been even MORE fabulous if while you were passing through Evanston you would exclaim, "Houston! I must pee...right now! And I must stop at my very awesome cousin's house because the WalMart bathroom is sketchy. She lives near Smiths Grocery Store and it's kind of on the way anyway and I REALLY need to pee!" Yup, that would have made your trip better because then I could see you... just sayin'. LOL

  2. Hey! I totally tried to leave you a message on Facebook while we were passing through on our way up there and it wouldn't let me! I really tried! I would have stopped! I will have to go up again sometime soon and let you know BEFORE we even leave Utah. Stupid Wifi at the Maverick!

  3. Wait a second....if I remember right you peed on the side of the road last time we went.... ;)haha. I'm glad you guys like the game!

  4. Yes Jodi, I did pee under a very small bridge on the way up there when you guys came too. It was one of those times when there was no "holding it". Good times! ;P

    I haven't actually played Pandemic yet. Houston and the guys really like to play it nonetheless. I will get my chance someday... when there is a free space.
