Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

Julie's Birthday Surprise!

It was my oldest sister's birthday last month and my other sister Angie put together a party for her.  The surprise part was that Julie didn't know that my mom and I were driving all the way to Idaho to join in the party.  We met everyone at the place called Jakers in Idaho Falls.  When we walked in Julie began to cry.  She is having one heck of a year and was so surprised that we would drive all the way up there just for the night.

The Girls!

What would an event be without me making weird faces. ;)

Julie and my mom!

The whole group.  Julie's friends and us

Julie getting her birthday hugs!

This was so much fun.  Julie was so happy.  My mom and I spent the night and ate lunch with her and Angie again the next day at this place called Gator Jacks.  I hope her birthday was a good as she hoped. :)

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