Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's a Zoo in Here!

So, Julie came down for Labor Day Weekend.  We made a trip to the Zoo.  She brought Shelby, her daughter, and two of Angie's boys, Braden and Jace.  Here is the trip....

Dad, Julie, Mom and Phynix heading into the zoo.  Phynix is slightly excited... just slightly.

 Lol! There's that cute pouty face again.  ;)

 Scheli and Phynix checking out the giraffe

 The cutest picture ever!  Phynix getting a close up view of this adorable little monkey.  Houston says he looks like Einstein.  So.... This is an "Einstein" monkey. Lol!

 I have no idea what kind of bird this is but it's so odd looking and such a beautiful color!  Odd and beautiful.... I dig it!

 This Parrot is hard to see but it has a bright red head with a blue-ish  body.  It made a really awesome whistle.  I could listen to that all day.

 Jace, Troy, Scheli, and Phynix Measuring up!  Phynix had to have her hands right on the baby gorilla figure's hands. 

 Shelby and Julie.  Daughter and mom.  These guys are awesome

 Phynix, Jace, Shelby and I rode the carousel.  I was the gitty one who wanted to. This carousel had zoo animals on it.  Shelby rode a gorilla. Jace was on a Rhino. Phynix was on a Polar Bear, and I was on a Wild Boar. I love carousels! 
This took awhile to get Phynix to let go of the bar and wave.  She was holding on for dear life for the first few times around.  

The zoo was fun.  They are in the process of building new part. I can't remember what animals were supposed to be featured there...  I'm sure it will be really cool nonetheless. 

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