Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

Family Reunion

It was a big year this year for our family.  We actually had all of the brothers and sisters there.  My brother Cris's family was able to come out from California for it.  It was a simple reunion.  All the traveling siblings stayed at my parent's house, and the rest of us came over each morning.   Some of the games we played were, volleyball, the unknown facts game, and the animal sounds game.  They were all so much fun.  Then on Tuesday we all went to Seven Peaks.  Here are some photo's of the event. 
While playing the Unknown Facts Game.  Cris taking a picture while I take a pictureAlso in the photo are, Lori (Left)  then Brooke, then Justine, and Jacy in the bottom.

My mom, Troy, and Julie.  Julie is reading everyone's crazy facts.

Little Niece Phynix playing with water balloons

From the left.  Nephew Beau, Eric (My niece Kassie's Fiance), Houston, and my niece Megan in the back.  We are playing an intense game of Volleyball.  It lasted like 2 hours. ;P

All of us playing the Animal Sounds Game.  Troy and Angie are in a tight race of the coveted #1 flag.  The neighbors probably thought we were nuts.  Imagine hearing a whole bunch of animal sounds from across the fence.

We played for quite awhile.... Lol!  The winner received a $20 gift card to Walmart.  The Winner, for the second year in a row, was my sister Angie.  She is really good at this game.

Here is the family photo of everyone that was there.  Some of the nephews weren't there and Houston had to work this day. :(  Also, don't mind my dog Maggie as she strolls into the photo.

This was the picture my dad really wanted.  All the siblings together.
From the left, Cris, Angie, Me, Troy, and Julie. With my parent's in the front. 

The cute California clan.  Parent's Cris and Lori, and the kids From the left.  Beau, Brooke, Justine, and Jacy. 

We were so happy to have everyone there.  Everyone leads busy lives so it's so hard to get everyone together.  

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