Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Sound of Music

Yeah, I know, I've posted two other posts already today, but I'm WAY behind on the summers event's.  Now onto the next....

I posted awhile back that we were going to The Sounds of Music up at Sundance.  Here is our adventure!  First off, Houston didn't really know the story going into it, so I filled him in. We ate at Goodwood Barbeque before heading up there. (they have the best onion rings!!) 

Houston showing off the stage.  We sat up on the grassy knolls above the seats this time.

Waiting for it to start!  So excited!

A clear view of the stage.  They rolled the pieces around for each scene.  It was very smooth between scenes.

Us during intermission.  You can't really tell but it started pouring rain right at the "favorite things" I totally thought it was part of it.  Once it began to pour and people started to leave, I realized it was for real from the heavens.  Lol!  We stayed the whole time.  It rained once more but it was worth it!

This is Houston's pouty face.  I love this so much I had to get a picture of it.  LOL!  I really hope our kids get this feature.  The only bad thing is, I might laugh at them.... :)

We were pretty much dry by the time we left.  Then it was home to bed.  This was so awesome!   Houston such a good guy to give a musical a chance. Especially one he didn't really know before.  He Enjoyed it.  I bought the movie so now he can Julie Andrews at her best! 

I wonder what Sundance will do next year....  I'm sure it will be good.

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