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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Fall Project, and What I Deem a "spring/summer time" Wreath

More projects.... Me!?  Who'd a thunk!  :P

These are pretty easy projects, so this post with be short and sweet.  First off, the fall project.  I have always like cornucopias.  They look cool, and  who doesn't like to say it!?  So, I bought all the pieces at Hobby Lobby.  The cornucopia, itself,  was very loosely woven, so I hot glued a piece of burlap inside to hide all the stems.  Now you can't even tell that it's holy. All the other pieces are just swags.  TO get them to stay where I wanted them I used Floral foam.  My dear niece Phynix helped me put all the pieces in.  Here is the finished product....

The other project...

I wanted to make a peacock feather wreath.  For a "spring/summer time" wreath.  I tried to make it with black boa's.  That didn't work..  The feathers kept coming out and made a pretty big mess. :(  I also wanted the feathers to look a bit nicer than a child's feather boa.  I gave up and used the wreath form (Grapevine wreath) for a Halloween wreath. (To be posted in due course)

Over the weekend I was in Joann's Fabric with my mom and aunt.  I came across the perfect black feather wreath.  ON SALE no less!  It was perfect for my peacock wreath.  I added the peacock eyes and the little green feathers.

Here is what it looked like at first...

Here's the finished product...

 Love love love it!  I can't wait to hang this one up.   I have many projects in the works, at the moment.  So expect more posts such as this one.  :)

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