Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Glass slippers" Continued....

I know, like 5 posted in 2 days.  I had to get all caught up, and now I am I swear. Anyway...

So, back in March I posted about getting new church shoes and could only find black when I wanted colored ones.  Well,  I have now succeeded in getting 2 new pairs that are colored!

First off is this pair...
Their MIA brand.  The color is called Mushroom Cherie.  Greenish brown, pretty much.  Not really colorful, but the next pair will make up for that.

Enter..... The KING!!!

I'm kidding!  I don't think Elvis would have worn these, but yes these baby's are blue suede.  I have really been trying to appreciate blue more recently.  I really like blue, but for some reason I don't really own anything blue...  That is the one good thing about owning a lot of black clothes though... If you wear all black you can wear whatever color of shoes your little heart desires. ;)

Tomorrow being September 11 I decided that I'm going to pair these with my red, white and black plaid shirt to church.  Dorky, I know, but I want to show my support.  That's the best way I know how at the moment.  I actually remember exactly where I was when the planes hit.  Like it was yesterday.

Anyway, that's my shoe update.  ;)


  1. umm... where did you get those shoes?! i think i need to copy you on the blue ones.

    and good idea to wear patriotic colors!

  2. did you get those blue shoes at Payless? I saw some there just like that a few weeks ago. Looks like you have had a fun and busy summer. I bet all of your parties and reunions were fun. You guys know how to have fun. I missed seeing you at the Pehrson reunion. One of these times when I come up that way we need to go to lunch. I'll call you some time.

  3. I got these shoes at Kohls actually. Yes Jana, we need to go out to lunch sometime. Please call me. It's been way too long. I was so sad we couldn't make it to the reunion. The Post Office has made me miss a lot of things this year. I am still grateful for my job of course. ;)
