Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins!!!!

I think I have mentioned before that I am HUGE into pinterest.com.  I love that site.  I find the most fun pictures and crafts.  The great thing about the crafts you find on there is that you can make them yourself, however you want.  
I found this tutorial for fabric pumpkins.

I really liked the idea but didn't really like the fabric the tutorial used.  Lucky me, I'm a frequent visitor to Hancock Fabric in Orem.  I was in there the other day and found the fabrics I wanted.  They may not match, but I like them all!

I followed the tutorial on every step except one and added my own.  Lol!  Where it says to sew the bottom together, I just straight stitched across it, and it did the same thing with less work.  (All about that) ;)  The tutorial doesn't show it with a leaf and I wanted one on some of them.  All I did is bought a fall leaf swag from Hobby Lobby and spray painted the leaf black.  

Ta Da!

A funny story about the Demask pumpkin in the front.  Before I had even told the lady cutting the fabric what I was doing with it, she said that it reminded her of The Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.  Ha ha!  How perfect.  That is my favorite ride there. (Imagine that...) My mom was with me and just smiled.

That pumpkin is my favorite.  It photographs so well.  The picture was taken on my phone so it washed it out.  The color on it is a dark mustard yellow, which I absolutely LOVE.  My mom liked it so much too that I made an extra for her.  Her favorite is the green plaid. 

Seriously, if I can make these ANYONE can! 


  1. so cute!!!

    p.s. i still am incompetent on pinterest. :( what is my problem?!

  2. Ooh yeah, the one in the front is definitely my favorite! I've found tons of cute stuff on Pinterest too...now the trick for me is to actually do them!

  3. Way impressed, they are so cute!

  4. Brynn, I will have to help you out. I was so confused when I first started it too.

    Melissa, I have found out that it's just easiest to dive in head first and do it. Half the time they don't work out very well, but they are cool just the same.

    Darcy, thanks! These are probably the most girly Halloween decorations I have ever made. :P

  5. I just barely found out about pinterest last night. I will have to get on and discover what it is that people love about it. I hope I can do the cute crafts like I have seen other people do. Those pumpkins are way cute!
    So, sad story about Joe. We all need a reminder once in a while, and the sad thing is the reminders always seem to come with death or some other tragic event. I just saw your christmas countdown, I can't believe it is ony 3 months till Christmas! AHHHHHHHHH!! That scares me.
